Please pray for me and my brother priests!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Persecution of Christians in Atheist Soviet Union

I have been an absentee blogger, and for this I apologize! I have been blogging for more than two years, and I may be running out of steam (or just getting busier!)

I am going to try to post at least one blog a week, so be patient with me! Thank you to all my readers.

This video shows the fruits of the Communist regime in Russia, the destruction of a great Orthodox Cathedral in order to kill faith in the Russian people. They persevered, and this grand Cathedral was rebuilt in the year 2000. The footage is sad, and a bit disturbing, but worth watching. Remember the millions killed by this "enlightened" regime in the name of progress. Think of this video the next time you hear the "Communism is good, it just hasn't been put done by the right people" argument.

Any regime or government, that denies God denies as well the inalienable rights that God has given His people, life first and foremost among them. The 20th century is proof enough.

May God have mercy on Stalin's victims, and may God have mercy on Stalin.

God love you


Anonymous said...

Dear Father V.,

As I watch this film I can't help but look just to the right side of the film's screen, at The Eucharist being held in the hands of the priest. Looking upon The Eucharist intensifies the devouring fire that inspires in my heart the inclination toward good and the repugnance toward evil, and this I think, is exactly what you intended the film to do for me too. Yes, the film is disturbing, but when I think of receiving Our Lord, when I look upon Him, I am bathed in Love and comfort beyond the words I can type here.

Thank you for the film which I have learned from, and which has increased my desire for loving God in a world so mixed up, but especially, thank you for being a priest, His instrument, who brings The Eucharist which embalms my soul with His Precious Blood forever. That is the best way for you to increase my love Father! And as long as you are doing that, I can patiently wait many, many weeks for the next wonderful Blog of yours.

With Love in Christ ♥

Anonymous said...

wish I could remember where I came across it, but this little post of yours reminds me of something I read once on Communist Russia - something which has stuck with me since and has illumined many issues in a way I could not have foreseen.

early on its creation (the soviet government, that is) it was debated whether to call the people citizens in the gov't documents or to refer to them as persons.

well, they soon enough decided to nix any use of the word "person(s)" as they all agreed this was a highly theological term. It derived its full meaning from the fact that the Christians there believed that God is a Person (three in one in fact) and so man's referring to himself as a person meant that he had a.....wait for this.....spirit within him which derived its life and existence from that same God.

If they acknowledged that man was a person they would have to acknowledge not only God's existence but his Personhood as well and that just wasn't going to work in their plan.

so often , I see the sad arguments made against man's rights, against a just society, against life itself and I wonder if we should maybe be starting our counter argument in a different place than our culture would like us to. Perhaps we should start it on whether those we are blithely referring to in these issues are, in fact, PERSONS.

And if so, then all the riff raff of whether or not they have a "quality" life in their final illness, or the old debate of when life really starts, or whether women should have equal rights in countries operating under sharia law.....all that would have to fall by the wayside.

we're talking about persons, made in the image and likeness of God.

and you're right, communism, socialism, and all the other liberalisms its hiding under would like to strip man of that dignity. Seek its own utopia, apart from God.

wish more people would educate our youth on its real ugliness as they are clueless to it these days and see it as a viable solution to the world's ills.

Good to see you're posting again!